Photo Source: Xtend-Life
Don’t you just want to go about your day feeling like you can conquer everything and still look great while you’re at it? This may not be reaching for the moon, because Zupafood Greenz promises to give you the boost you need. Based on what’s being said on the grapevine, this is the new energy drink you need right now, but like any uncompromising consumer – let’s take everything with a grain of salt. Let’s see what is in it for us.
When you have so much to do in a day, we often rely in our trusty cup o’ joe to perk us up. For others, energy drinks are the liquid of choice. But how far will that energy boost get you? Usually, that first trip to the office coffeemaker usually doesn’t last you until two in the afternoon. Meanwhile, that exotic energy drink with a dubious list of ingredients might even leave you with palpitations and other side effects pumping up your sympathetic system on high gear.
So here comes Xtend-Life and their energy-boosting drink. It claims to give the energy you need to get you through the day while keeping your system in excellent condition. Unlike other options where you seemingly go through a sudden spike which gradually declines in a few hours, Zupafood Greenz improves the system. This effect becomes the foundation behind an improved daily performance thanks to energy which you can sustain.
Xtend-Life’s Zupafood Greenz
Zupafood Greenz banks on a bunch of “superfoods” to nourish and regenerate the body. True to Xtend-Life’s commitment to producing quality products, this drink has an impressive line-up of ingredients. They blended together different superfoods which are used alone in other supplements or health drinks which is rather promising from the get-go.
The Not-So-Secret Formula
Xtend-Life has been around for several years, and they’ve built a brand that is known for finding ingredients that add excellent value to their products. These efforts earned them a reputation for producing supplements that have an impressive number of ingredients, which is also evident in this particular variety. Xtend-Life has a different Zupafood variety in Zupafood Elite and Zupafood Skin, but let’s see what makes this product different.
Organic Spirulina
This is a type of blue-green algae found in lakes and ponds that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and carotenoids. In and of itself, Spirulina provides an extensive list of nutrients which is why it is rightly called a superfood. It also provides metabolic benefits allowing you to better absorb nutrients.
Organic Chlorella
This ingredient helps detoxify, enhancing the antioxidant effect that organic spirulina provides. Compared to the other two Zupafood options, this product contains more spirulina and chlorella. It helps alkalize the body because it provides it with chorophyll while detoxifying the system. So, if you have low vegetable intake, this is a perfect supplement to fill in the gaps.
Green Tea Extract
Zupafood offers you 21% caffeine through the green tea extract. It gives you the right boost and antioxidant action happening at the same time.
New Zealand Superfood Blend
(A propriety blend of Grape Juice Powder, Kiwifruit Powder, Apple Fiber Powder, Organic Barley Grass, Organic Wheat Grass, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Skin Extract, Kiwifruit Extract)
Xtend-Life brings together a powerful combination of ingredients fittingly called a “superfood blend.” It contains several other “superfoods” introduced in other products individually, but here they are, blended together to create a strong fusion of benefits. This is the same blend which you can find in other Zupafood options.
They dub this to be the “green alkalizing tonic” because it supports the body’s ability maintain a healthy alkaline state which prevents several health problems. It helps your body strike that pH balance since all the stress and poor diet, drives our system to take on a more acidic state. High acidity is exhibited by the body through poor digestion, cellular degeneration (e.g. wrinkle formation), fatigue and depression.
Chlorophyll, found in leafy greens, is the magic ingredient that introduces alkalinity. If you are not bulking up on whole foods, then considering Zupafood Greenz might be a good option.
Getting the Goodness
This supplement is prepared inside packets in powdered form. You need one packet a day, however, it is also okay to have as much as 3 daily.
You just empty it inside a shake and add water, juice or your favorite beverage. Shake vigorously and drink it while ingredients are in suspension. As much as it is so easy, this drink also offers an agreeable taste.
Now here’s some real talk. Zupafood Greenz is not some miracle wonder that can zap you right out of that groggy state. A more realistic time frame for one to see and feel the difference would be within a month. Although our bodies react differently to certain products, depending on how we process it, but it gives you a change at about that span of time. Xtend-Life is also forthright in disclosing this in their website, which is commendable. Instead of misleading consumers by easily saying that it gives sudden change in a snap, they tell you to expect a normal progression of the body as it responds to products – just as you would with your overnight creams or serums. They all take some time.
If you want the change right away, this might not be for you. But if you want sustainable benefits that can overhaul your system from the inside-out, then this is the product to try. On top of that, this is also a supplement suitable of vegans and vegetarians.
The entire box of Xtend-Life’s Zupafood Greenz which consists of 30 packets cost $42.20. You may sign up on their website and get discounts as members. So, your box will now be $37.98. That would be a $1.27 for each drink, which is so much cheaper than a salad. Although, nothing beats whole foods, but when you can’t get your daily recommended intake, this sure helps give you the healthy dose of nutrients in your system!
Heads Up
Since it comes with all these ingredients, it is also worth noting that you need to be mindful of how this might interact with any medication that you might be taking. You need to inform your doctor ahead of time and see if any of the ingredients pose a certain risk and untoward reactions.
It is generally deemed to safe for pregnant women, however, just err on the side of caution. Always bring this up with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you and the baby. Spirulina may be teeming with nutrients, but it also has to be taken with caution. Adding to that, the presence of green tea might be something to be considered as well.
Final Thoughts
Yes, Xtend-Life’s Zupafood Greenz is a product that one should consider if you want to tweak your system to achieve that chemical balance. We often fail to recognize the chemical process that is the bedrock of a healthy system, and this is a suitable option if you want to target that problem.
The price is also easy on the pocket, and if it does what it claims to do, it makes for a worthy investment for your health. It is curious though why they create this different product and not just add the same amount of spirulina and chlorella into Zupafood Elite, so you can get all the benefits in one drink instead.
All things considered this is one drink that should be a good pick-me-upper especially when our days can easily pump up free radical buildup in our system. Will I purchase it for my family? Recommend it to friend? Yes. Xtend-Lifes’s Zupafood Greenz provides a promising improvement to one’s health which is also sustainable – and I wouldn’t want to miss out on that.