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How to Stay Healthy in this Day and Age

multivitamin guide

Photo credit: Ed Yourdon via Foter.com /CC BY-NC-SA

Does feeling tired and bloated seem to be the norm for you these days? Or do you often catch yourself under the weather?

Staying healthy in this age where fastfood is part of the culture, sleep is for the week, and pollution is the only reality, can be a real challenge. With all these factors  coming at you from all directions, sometimes you feel like you just can’t keep up.

With our body as our biggest resource and property, you need to give it the love it deserves. Here are some tips on how you can ensure prevention, instead shelling a fortune on something to cure.

When you are struggling to keep a HEALTHY weight

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are more than 1.9 billion adults who are obese around the world in 2014. Being just a soft estimate don’t you find this to be alarming numbers?  It simply shows that people are struggling with their weight and appetite, and this hits right at home because this struggle could be yours.best multivitamin guide - diet

Photo credit: notyourstandard via Foter.com / CC BY

Keeping a healthy weight should not be construed with vanity, rather it should be a drive towards a healthier you. There are two type of diets deemed to help you achieve optimum health – the Meditteranean and Okinawan diet.  These contain less meat and it banks more on vegetables and fiber instead. It lower cholesterol levels, clears the arteries and promotes a more stable metabolism. Ultimately this saves the body from potential cardiovascular problems and diabetes, two of the prominent cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

However, the problem is in staying faithful to a healthy diet. So if you are just about ready to give in, remember these things:

1. Drink water

Sometimes thirst can be perceived by our body as hunger, so instead of immediately grabbing a bite, try drinking a glass of water first. Doing before any meal can also help control the portions you consume

2. Use smaller plates

Filling a small plate is a proven way to eat less without noticing it.

3. Proteins for breakfast

A breakfast that is high in protein has been proven  to suppress one’s appetite and consequently reduce cravings throughout the day.

4. Veggie Fillers

To cut calories bulk up your meals with veggies.  You can toss in some greens into that pasta or focus more on salads and fiber-rich meals.

5. Set the scene for slowing eating

The ambiance can also for eating can largely affect your appetite. Try dimming the lights and listen to relaxing music and leisurely enjoy your meal. Take your time, chew slowly and enjoy each bite.

When you are trying to get a good sleep

Most of us are guilty of poor sleeping habits, although for some this can be an unavoidable consequence of personal circumstances. What most people don’t realize is that constant lack of sleep can put you at risk for serious medical conditions such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

There is an estimated 40 million individuals who are struggling with chronic sleep disorder. Missing sleep actually impairs you similar to being intoxicated with alcohol. When this problem prolongs, the mental effects would grow to be more serious. A person experiences brain fog and may have difficulty concentrating or even make decisions.

Therefore, getting enough sleep is not just about feeling all peachy the next day, it’s also about preventing serious health effects. So take note of these tips for a good sleep hygiene.

1. Adapt a relaxing bedtime routine.

Drink warm milk, practice relaxation techniques (i.e. yoga or mediation) or get into a warm bath, these signals your body to ease into sleeping mode.

2. Improve your electronic habits.

The use of electronic devices prior to sleeping affects your melatonin levels. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycles which can easily be affected by blue light.

3. Tweak your environment

Make your bedroom conducive for rest. Instead of bright lights, go for dark or ambient lighting instead. An uncluttered room also helps along with some comfy bedding  and the right temperature can make for a good setup for a good night’s rest.

4. Avoid stimulating substances and activities before bedtime

As bedtime approaches, try to avoid coffee, tea or any caffeinated beverages. Avoid exercising at night, especially if you are having trouble initiating sleep. the adrenaline rush will end up keeping you awake.

When you are trying to sweat it out good with exercise

Exercise is something that should be second nature to you in order to be healthy. However, this is something that is quite challenging for a lot of people to keep up even for a whole week. This is not to judge you, but the reality is that we fell into this sedentary lifestyle thanks to technology, work, and sometimes even by choice.

best multivitamins guide

If you want to burn the calories and sweat out the toxins, here are some tips to make it an successful and effective commitment.

1. Set some goals

Goals give you a direction and it allows you to be motivated. If you run, try increasing your laps at certain weeks. Also remember to set realistic goals, and enjoy your way as you progress towards your goal.

2. Set a schedule for exercise

A schedule will push you to commit and it allows your body to be disciplined as well. See what particular time it is appropriate for you to exercise. Some experts claim that morning schedules are best as it sets you up energized for the day.

3. Add variety

Don’t just box yourself into one exercise routine. Try to vary to keep things fun and interesting, and at the same time, this also challenges your body and prevents it from simply settling in a certain activity.

As you face a lot of factors that could dissuade you from your path to good health, it pays to stick to routines and habits that will keep you on track. A healthy lifestyle and the right motivation can certainly help you brave this world where sickness comes from stronger strain of microorganisms.

So gear your life up for better health! Enjoy your food, exercise, and sleep better! A good multivitamin con even help you fill in the cracks. Sort through a list of choices and see what’s good and what’s not at best-multivitamins-guide.com


Five Myths and Truths About the Body

How much do you really know about your body? A lot of us think that we know our bodies all too well, from that tiny birthmark, that little dimple, or the way your appetite get all worked up before your period. We know our body from what we only see on the outside, and maybe some other nuances within, but too often these are misunderstood symptoms or processes. BBC sheds a light on what really goes on behind the common misconceptions. Read about the Five Myths and Truths About the Body here.


10 Unexpected Ways You Are Hurting Your Brain


To keep your brain healthy and sharp, it is important that you exercise it. What we don’t know is that we could be harming our brain without us even knowing it. This can have several detrimental effects which could be more than just forgetting where your keys are. Here are the ten things we must avoid to keep our brains in the best condition.

Brain Damaging Habits

1. Skipping Breakfast

There’s a perfectly good reason why it is called the most important meal of the day. However, most of us skip this too often because either we are too busy, running late, or that we overslept. Not eating breakfast not only makes you weak, but it also affects your levels of concentration. In a study conducted by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company, they looked into a group’s level of concentration when performing mental tasks without breakfast. Results show that these participants had very low levels of concentration at all points in time. The reason behind it is that when we sleep our body is also fasting, and this can be a stressful state. So when you prolong fasting by skipping breakfast, you strain your body and consequently affect your brain.

2. Sleep Deprivation

Being sleep deprived can be common for many individuals, especially for those who are doing odd shifts. There may be times when this is unavoidable, but this should not be a regular thing because it could cost you your mental health. Scientists found certain wave ripples in the brain which are responsible for consolidating our memories, these also transfer memories to long-term. These sharp wave ripples only occur during deep levels of sleep, so when you lack it you end up getting forgetful. What is worse is that sleep deprivation also hastens the death of your brain cells.

3. Covering Head While Asleep

So you may have gotten some shuteye, however, the manner in which you sleep also matters. Sleeping with your head covered with a pillow increases the concentration of carbon dioxide, while decreasing oxygen levels which can lead to brain damaging effects. This also increases the likelihood of dementia and Alzheimer’s among those who are highly at risk.

4. High Sugar in Your Diet

Diabetes is a very good reason to avoid consuming too much sugar, but if you want to keep your brain sharp you need to dial down the sweetness too. HbA1c measures the damage caused by elevated blood glucose. In a study, participants show that for every 7 mmol/mmol increase  in HbA1c these people recalled two fewer words in memory tests. The extra sweetness can also interrupts the absorption of proteins and nutrients which inevitably affects brain development.

An eye opener on how sugar affects your brain:

5. Overeating

Eating too much not only breaks the scale, but it can also hurt your brain. Research showed that it doubles the risk of memory loss. Increased caloric intake also increases cognitive impairment. Prof. David Loewenstein of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine suggests that, “anything that is good for the heart — like decreased calories — is good for the brain.” On top of a healthy diet, you may also use brain-boosting supplements to help fill in the gaps and provide you with the much needed nutrients that are beneficial for the brain.

6. Working Your Brain Even While Sick

There’s a reason why people are given sick leaves, this is to fully recuperate and get your system rebooted. Research showed that even the common flu affects your attention span, the coding of new information, and the speed of your working memory. When you force yourself to work, it decreases the effectiveness of your brain and cause damage.

7. When You Rarely Talk

Who knew that being too quiet can have detrimental effects to your brain? Engage yourself in intellectual conversations because this can serves as good “brain exercise”. This not only benefits the brain, but it also boosts your social skills.

8. Not Feeding Your Brain With Stimulating Thoughts

Just as intellectual conversations gets the gears well oiled, stimulating thoughts also has the same effects to your brain. For instance, constantly bombarding your brain with slapstick shows as opposed to a documentary may halt your brain from being challenged. It also prevents it from developing with new information. Reading, writing and exploring new ideas or hobbies are just some of the fun ways to develop your brain. There is so much that it can hold and process, so don’t allow it simply settle for lazy thoughts!

9. Dehydration

Did you know that our brain is made up of 75% water? This is why it is very important that you keep yourself hydrated. It’s okay if you don’t reach the 8 glasses per day requirement, however when you go 24 hours with very minimal water consumption, you end up losing some brain cells.

10. Unmanaged Stress

Stress is known to create a plethora of untoward effects to your body. Physical and mental stress causes your kidney to secrete cortisol. When this gets to the brain it can prevent memory formation, it also affects the retrieval of long-term memory. What is worse it that cortisol also kills the neurons when there are high amounts in your system. Stress also produce free radicals which are highly reactive forms of oxygen that damage your brain cells. If not corrected these can cause brain cell death and faster cognitive decline.

Here’s an interesting discussion on how stress affects your brain:

When you are guilty of most of the things on this list and end up damaging and losing brain cells, this can end up being detrimental to your overall cognition. It affects your ability to think, solve problems, and perform advanced tasks. Most people may not notice any difference, with some still highly functional in their tasks. However, it doesn’t mean that you can simply downplay brain health.

With neurodegenerative disorders accounting for an enormous disease burden in terms of human suffering and economic cost, it is important that you take the simple measures in keeping your brain healthy. It is not only a big favour to yourself, but your family as well.

The good news in all these is that your brain can heal. It has the ability to grow new cells in a process called neurogenesis. Aside from lifestyle changes, you also need to put importance on your nutrition. Choose the right kind of brain food, and it also helps to take supplements.

Image Source: digimonica.com


Men in their 50s have their special needs when it comes to nutrition. So if you want to get the best health even in your golden age, then you need to be mindful of what you eat, or the supplements you are taking. Just take Samantha counting her pills on Sex and the City 2, she may have a pharmacy in her pocket with so many supplements but these are all catered for her changing body. Men are just the same, you also need to customize your health arsenal to biological changes that you are going through.

Male Health

There are significant changes to a man’s body when he hits his fifties. Certain changes now become much noticeable sometimes even warranting maintenance medications.

Here’s a very informative video to inform you of male health:

Heart diseases are highly common in men in their fifties. In fact, it is even touted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to be among the leading causes of death in males in the US. This is associated with other related conditions such as stroke. Therefore, cardiac health cannot be emphasized enough.

Men in their golden age are also prone to prostate problems. It’s so prevalent within this age group that health experts advise men in their 50s to 60s to have their yearly prostate check, especially those who have a family history of prostate disease.

Male libido starts to decline at this point in time not only affecting male health but also relationships and that person’s confidence. For some, the decline in their libido may be a side effect of certain maintenance medications they are taking, which also shows how a certain condition can take over a person’s life.

Bone health can also be a cause for concern in this age group as calcium levels decline further. Some guys may start to feel joint pains which may even progress to debilitating levels to some.

Cancer is another leading cause of death at this age. Therefore, a man needs all the help he needs to ward off any potential risk brewing within his system. It is high time that you rid your system from the effects of your unhealthy lifestyle, because your body is not like what it once was. Some even say that your old age is when your body take its toll from the abuses it received in your youth.

Now that you get the picture, nutrition is a very important aspect in keeping you away from the destructive path that these conditions take. Aside from the nutrients you get from the food you eat, which may not be adequate by the way, you also need all the help you can get through supplements.

What are the supplements for 50-year-olds?

In order to target the common conditions males encounter at this age, there are certain supplements that they should focus on.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is a very popular supplement that is much known for promoting heart health, which is why a lot of Americans have turned to Omega-3 fish oil supplements in the past ten years. It benefits healthy individuals and those with heart disease, thanks to its DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EHA (eicosaepentanoic acid) content. These are essential nutrients that help prevent and manage heart diseases. According to the American Heart Association, taking up to 3 grams of fish oil supplements daily is safe. Research has shown that this creates the following benefits:

  • Reduce triglyceride levels
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce chances of heart attacks and stroke
  • Slows the development of plaque in the arteries

Aside from heart health, fish oil can also help reduce the signs of aging on your skin, reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis, improve fat burning, and boosts your memory and brain power.


The effects of oxidative stress can be damaging to our body, and can further result in a number of diseases and conditions. Since we cannot escape this reality, men in their 50s should be more wary about this because this is the time where the consequences show themselves. It can be evident through a wrinkle, a pain in the joints, or in worse cases – cancer. Yes, free radicals, which is the byproduct of stress can severely affect our body and you need to block its damaging action. Supplements that are formulated with what are dubbed as “superfoods” such as green coffee, African mango, or garcinia cambogia, possess excellent antioxidant action which protects you from a myriad of health problems. and did you know that these can also help you battle the infamous “middle-age spread?”


Bone loss is a normal physical process as you get older, this is why older individuals are more prone to bone diseases and fractures. You need to give your body the calcium it needs to help strengthen your bones, and be able to perform better physical activities even with old age. Vitamin D is also an important nutrient to add into your arsenal because it promotes better absorption of calcium.  Who knows, you could be running your first marathon at this age!

The catch here is that you must get your doctor’s advise when taking calcium supplements because it can have certain reactions to certain drugs, particularly cardiac medications.

Male Enhancement Supplements

The market now offers male enhancement supplements to help prevent and improve their sexual health. These products are often formulated with herbal ingredients such as gingko biloba, Tribulus terrestris and Yohimbine among a host of many others. Other nutrients also include L-Arginine, SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) and Niacine. These ingredients are also known to promote better prostate health and disease prevention. On top of that these also help you keep a sharper mind. So not only will you keep your partner happy in bed, but it also helps you remember anniversaries better too! Also remember that you are not retiring just yet at this age, so it pays to have a clear memory and still be on top of your game.

Just because you add another candle to your cake doesn’t mean you have to look or feel like your age. When you give yourself the right nutrition and aid that with the right supplements, you are one step further from degenerative conditions. Let these golden years, be actually golden! Aim to restore vitality and strive for better health in the years to come. Supplements may not be the miracle pills of youth, but it can help you avoid a multitude of problems healthwise.

However, before you go shopping for supplements, also remember to always get your doctor’s advice. Even though you are dealing with natural ingredients, these products can still interact with other supplements and medications.




Vitamins and minerals are very important components for staying alive. Without them, you won’t be able to digest food, walk, think, and even breathe. Thus, it is vital that you make sure you take in enough amounts of these nutrients so your body can get all essential multivitamin benefits. But how are you supposed to know which vitamins are important, and which ones are not?

Here is a list of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that boosts your immune system. Aside from that it reduces the risk of heart disease, and can slow down skin aging. Take note, however, that excessive amounts of this vitamin can be toxic, so be sure to stick to the right amount. Ideally, your daily dosage should be at 2,300 international units or IU.

B Vitamins

The 8 B vitamins work really well in maintaining muscle tone, metabolism, plus a sharper mind. Experts recommend also that young women have regular intakes of B9 or folic acid as it helps keep red blood cells healthy. Folic acid also protects the body against cancer and different birth defects.

Vitamin C

Vitamin is more than just a cold fighter. It is also a potent immune booster and it can also help prevent prenatal problems, heart diseases, as well as eye illnesses. Vitamin C also has a reputation for being able to fend off wrinkles and heal wounds faster.

Vitamin D

In many vitamin reviews, Vitamin D is often considered a wonder drug. This is because many health professionals believe that it can reduce one’s risk of breast cancer by up to 50 percent. It can also protect you against diabetes and ovarian cancer. Lastly, vitamin D is known to play a very important role in enhancing muscle function.


Women, especially, are prone to bone density loss even at the early age of 20. Thus, it is crucial for women to have a regular intake of calcium. This mineral is also powerful enough to build strong teeth, and can also nourish the nervous system.


Health care professionals always remind us that too little of iron in our blood can pose risks of anemia and a weak immune system. This mineral is particularly important for women who experience heavy periods.

What Are Vitamins And Multivitamins?

There are lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to stay healthy and function properly. If you don’t want to bother knowing about them individually, then it would be smarter if you take multivitamins instead. You can check out the Best Multivitamins Guide so you could have a better idea of what multivitamin benefits you can get from a multivitamin.


Multivitamins are dietary supplements that come in different forms – pill, tablet, or capsule, and are meant to give your body an array of minerals and essential vitamins. You can find the best multivitamins in most grocery stores, drug stores, and other health food retailers.

There are many ways you can benefit from taking a multivitamin every day. It is important, however, that you consult your doctor first to know if it is safe for you to have a daily dose of multivitamins.

Below are the different ways your body can benefit from the best multivitamins:

Recovery from Illnesses

When you are sick, it is almost impossible for your body to function at its peak performance. Your body may also not be able to get all the necessary minerals and vitamins you need to recover from your illness quickly. A multivitamin provides your body with all the nutrients it need to get better soon.

Dietary Restrictions

Those who are in a very strict diet may not be able to get all the vitamins and minerals they need because of dietary restrictions. By taking a multivitamin every day, however, they can get proper nutrition that is enough to compensate for their limited food intake. Vegetarians can also benefit from the best multivitamins as these supplements contain certain B-vitamins found in animal products.

Prenatal Health

A pregnant woman needs higher amounts of vitamins compared to a non-pregnant woman because she has to support the nutritional needs of the baby inside her womb. Thus, doctors recommend that expecting mothers take the best multivitamin for women so that their babies could get all the nutrition they need. Studies also show that regular intake of prenatal multivitamin can reduce the risk of several congenital abnormalities in a baby.

Enhanced Cognitive Functioning

According to research, as a person ages, his or her cognitive functioning decreases. But with regular use of the best multivitamin for men and women, older people are less likely to suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. In fact, multivitamins may even help improve their cognitive functioning.

Higher Energy Levels

The best multivitamins in the market contain an array of vitamins that can boost the energy levels of the body, such as vitamin C and B-complex vitamins. According to experts, taking multivitamins daily increases the energy levels of the body, and improves its response to various stress factors.

So which are the best multivitamins to buy? Well, it actually depends on what you can afford. There are lots of inexpensive multivitamins out there, but they generally don’t compare to the more expensive ones. What’s important is that you do enough research to know which multivitamins are safe to use. Check out the Best Multivitamins Guide to know more about your options.


I know a lot of you may not have enough time to cook a hearty meal at hom, or sometimes we just find ourselves in situations where fastfood can become a convenient solution. The meal prepared in food courts may be easy on your pockets, but it is not necessarily good for your diet. If you are not careful you could easily consume unnecessary calories with very little nutritional value. Since there will always be those times when we have to make do with these less than ideal meal options, it pays to know how to be smart about it.

We eat because we need to satiate hunger. However, beyond that, we need the nutrients so that our body can function and be healthy. We need the vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients derived from whole and raw foods. The problem now is that the meals you find in food courts are often short on these. So this defeats the purpose for all these food, which should not be the case.

How  do we choose the right foods and avoid busting our calorie count when dining out?

Navigating the choices available in food courts might be daunting especially for health fiends. But it doesn’t have to be a pain in the head because a little knowledge can go a long way and land you the best food choices. Here’s a good start when choosing a healthy meal in food courts.

1. Choose the salads

Even the double arches have their own choices of healthy menu options that involved healthy salads. These contain the right amount of meats by adding grilled chicken tossed into a fiesta of corn, black beans, tomatoes, and peppers. Usually, salads can also have a sprinkle of cheeses such as jack or cheddar. This gives you just the right amount of calories often within 290 calories. To be on the safe side, it is best to skip the dressing and go for a fresh squeeze of lemon or lime juice instead to cut back on the calories. Vinaigrettes can also be a healthy addition with just 30 calories but is reach in protein.

Fruit salads are also another yummy option. These not only give your palate a sweet treat, but it also gives you an energy boost. It doesn’t give you that blood sugar spike and crash that you get from donuts, chocolates, or cakes.

2. Eat breakfast

It’s always been a fact that is pushed by health experts but many of us often disregard. Breakfast, as they say, is the most important meal of the day. It is also something that will help you keep off the unhealthy calories with all those tempting mall munchies. Eating a healthy and hearty meal at home that is laden with the right protein and fiber will be enough to keep you full. A bowl of oatmeal with some dried fruit, nuts, and eggs is enough to fill you up.

3. Stash healthy snacks

Bringing healthy snacks or small meals will help you to less likely give in to those high-calorie snacks. Fresh fruits are always a home run with the likes of bananas, apple, or grapes. You may also have whole grain crackers or granola bars that have the right amount protein and fiber. Trail mix, rice cakes, and a turkey sandwich also make smart choices. If you want more ideas you can check other healthy options here.

4. Drink water

Instead of sipping lattes, which can be packed with calories by the way, you can go for a simpler option with water. This is the safest and most inexpensive way to cut the calories while being exposed to the tempting waft of food stalls that line the mall. Also, those hunger pangs that you are feeling could actually be nothing more than just thirst. This also helps you keep yourself full before you find a good and healthy meal.

5. Choose the right soups

Food courts also offer soups, but you have to be careful in choosing because some of these are full of cream and fat. A slice of bread may also be added to fill you up. If possible, it is better that you choose vegetable soups or those with low-fat clear broths with fish or noodles. However, it would be best to steer clear from rice noodles because this can increase your calorie count.

6. Avoid meat-based pizzas

Sometimes it can be hard to resist that tempting aroma of pizza, and it seems to be the best choice with just the right amount of meat, veggies and carbs right? This may seem like it but it is not really the healthiest if you are aiming to cut back on your calories. Go for herb-based pizzas instead. You can add extra toppings of veggies to make it more healthy and filling. This will put off the craving without compromising your diet.

7. Avoid these foods completely


  • Burgers with fried patties
  • Donuts
  • Pizzas that are loaded with cheese
  • Fried chicken
  • Ice creams
  • Fatty gravies
  • Muffins and brownies

8. Safe and healthier choices

Go for steamed, roasted, or grilled choices instead of fried dishes. It is also important that you avoid iced teas, cold coffees, and go for green teas, fresh fruit juices without the extra sugar instead. Shawarma or wrapped sandwiches, steamed dumplings, and pita bread also make good choices.

9. Sit down and savour your food

When you just sit down and relax as you eat you avoid what experts call “mindless eating.” This results in consuming extra calories without even realizing it. So sit down, finish that meal, take a load off before you continue with your shopping.

1o. Steer clear from these common food stall temptations

  • Giant pretzels
  • Iced cinnamon rolls
  • Rich and creamy ice cream
  • Candy and cookies

If you can’t resist these sweets, you can share them with a friend instead or order a mini version.

I know navigating the food court can be a very tempting, and can ruin any diet. But learning these tips can help you sort through the bad stuff and choose healthier options which are just as delicious and filling. Don’t let those iced donuts, meaty pizzas, and frappes fool you. Within those commercialized dishes is a handful of healthy ones that will give you your daily dose of nutrients.



When it comes to cardiovascular health, the terms DHA and EPA are often thrown into the table. These are basically the good stuff your heart and blood vessels need to be in good condition especially with health threats brought by aging. But there are several other health benefits that these two provide the body. However, what is brewing in the market today is the question on which one is the better source; fish oil or krill oil?

What are essential fatty acids?

When we talk about fish and krill oil, it is important that we understand what essential fatty acids are. These are classified as polyunsaturated fatty acids that are necessary for the body to perform its metabolic functions. Since the body cannot produce this, it has to be acquired through our diet.
Whole food sources include shrimp, tuna, halibut, trout, sardines, cod and spinach. Another option is to take supplements to supply you with the recommended daily intake.
To narrow it further, one of the essential fatty acids that our body needs – and something you can get out of fish and krill oils – are omega-3 fatty acids. This is the major selling point of fish and krill oil supplements, and the bearer of the numerous health benefits.
Let’s take high cholesterol levels, for instance, since this is a common problem people struggle with. Instead of taking statins to control your bad cholesterol levels, taking supplements can help you prevent it from spiking up. You also avoid the side effects that comes along with maintaining these medications. This is just one condition that you can steer away from, just imagine how much your are saving in medicine expenses with the number of conditions that Omega-3 can help you avoid?

What good can you get from Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

I am sure you might have heard of omega-3 fatty acids and what it does for heart health. There are many research studies available to support this. But it actually has a lot to offer when it comes to overall health, which makes it a very important nutrient to be included in your daily health arsenal. Included in its wide range of benefits are the improvement of cholesterol levels, lowered risk of coronary heart disease, protection of the arteries from hardening, reduced risk for cancer, and it improves the symptoms of depression and attention-deficit hypersensitivity disorder (ADHD).
As mentioned earlier, two of the popular sources of omega-3 fatty acids prepared in supplements are fish and krill oil. There have been a lot of comparisons between the two, saying one is better than other. Let’s see the important points to consider between these two, and decide for yourself which sells better for you.

Fish oil

This type of oil is the first to come into the market, and it caused such a stir being a new heart health hero. It earned more acceptance when it was learned that fish oil was also able to help with aging, bone health, cancer prevention and memory-boosting properties among many others. This made fish oil a “superfood” because it gives the body several benefits which protects you from diseases and different inflammatory processes as you age.

  • Important components

The important component found in fish oil is the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA (docosahexanoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentanoic acid). It was found that the levels of these two omega-3 fatty acids are fewer in Americans compared to individuals from other nations with lower heart disease rates, like Japan. This shows that nourishing your body with these fatty acids is one foot out the door from diseases.

  • Sources

The usual sources of fish oil, which are used in supplements, are fatty fish such as tuna and mackerel. But due to the increasing demands in the market, some companies turn to farm-raised fish. Ocean-caught fish are already at risk for contamination from PCBs, mercury, and toxins; the same also goes for farm-raised fish but with a higher incidence.

  • Drawbacks

Just because it can do you good, you can already get away with taking plenty of it. This doesn’t necessarily hold true with fish oil supplements because high doses can have harmful effects. It increases your risk for bleeding, affects your blood sugar control, and even increase your bad cholesterol levels.
Another common complaint with fish oil supplements are the “fish burps” you get afterwards. It leaves you with this fishy taste in your mouth. Fish oil supplements are prone to oxidation and rancidity which can cause the release of damaging free radicals in your body.
As was discussed above, fish oil extracted from species that are contaminated with dangerous heavy metals can also be possible. This is highly likely when the company does not take certain measures in manufacturing.

Krill Oil

Slowly gaining popularity and acceptance in the supplement market are krill oil supplements. It is derived from krill, a tiny crustacean that looks like a shrimp which thrives in the pristine waters of Antartica. These little creatures feed on plankton that are floating on the ocean floor surface.
Krill oil also promotes better heart health, maintains normal blood sugar levels, controls cholesterol levels, and supports bone and joint health. It also helps build a healthy immune system which protects you from common inflammatory diseases, like cancer, as you age. On top of that, it also controls your mood levels.
This oil is also able to control your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. It is crucial that these two fatty acids are kept balanced so you are able to better absorb the omega-3 fats.

  • Important components

Krill oil contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which also gives the oil its red pigment. It is reported that the oil derived from krill has a higher concentration of EPA and DHA. It is also rich in vitamins A, E and D and is even said to possess more antioxidant action than other sources. And what makes it more efficient in providing nutrients is its unique phospholipid structure which allows it to become more absorbable.
This oils also contains lutein, with its antioxidant power 47 times more effective. It also has a rich dose of co-enzyme Q10, an enzyme necessary for basic cell function which decreases as you age.

  • Sources

The krill from which this oil is derived from is found in the clean waters of the Antarctic. This is a major selling point because these areas are not polluted making the product safe and healthy. With it, you no longer have to worry about the dangerous levels of heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other contaminants.

  • Drawbacks

To reduce the oxidation process krill has to be frozen or kept in water tanks after it is harvested. They are kept there until it is already time to process the oil. This increases the manufacturing cost which also increases the price of every bottle of krill oil supplement.

Which is a better source?

So on the question as to which among the two is a better source of Omega-3 fatty acid, we can conclude that Krill oil has more advantage. First of all, research shows that it is able to provide more DHA and EPA. So when it comes to efficiency, krill oil has the upper hand because it not only gives you more, but it is also better absorbed by the body.
Since purity is a major concern when it comes to supplements, Krill oil provides us better assurance of quality. The sources alone will tell us that it is less likely to be contaminated. Plus, krill oil also doesn’t give you those nasty fish burps.
However, you do have to accept that such a product can come at a price. Compared to fish oil, krill oil supplements are more costly because of the manufacturing process.
It’s not to say that fish oil are outdated and dangerous because these still remain to be a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. But if you are looking for something better, then krill oil definitely gives you the advantage.

You can check out this Krill Oil Review:

Jim Strong’s OmegaK Krill Oil


Are you struggling with that unrelenting and unattractive belly bulge? You might have noticed that you are not the only one who is fighting this battle. Having a big belly is something that stems from the unhealthy lifestyles that most of us are living. Some go for the easy way out with surgery, and that’s okay. But for most people who either don’t have the budget or the guts to go under the knife, here are ten ways for you to achieve it the healthier way.

12 Ways to Bust Belly Fats


Practice Good Posture

Aside from societal strictures, another good reason to maintain a good posture is to reduce the appearance of belly fat. This may not rid you off it, but it will certainly be a good way to make it look like you did, and its healthy too. So put yourself in a routine that will help you achieve a good posture. Bring your shoulders back, your head up, and your stomach in. Good posture also allows you to breathe better and it also helps you tone your abdominal muscles.

Don’t Skip Breakfast


According to research almost 10% of people skip breakfast. I guess not all of us believe that this is the most important meal of the day,  the question is – are you one of these people? Regularly eating breakfast can help you trim down your belly fat because it allows you to maintain a stable blood sugar level. This means that you prevent hunger pangs which causes you to binge.

A good breakfast meal should contain energy-boosting food or drinks like whole wheat bread, fruits, yogurt, milk, tea, almonds and honey.

Load Up on Fiber


A high fiber diet not only fills you up easily allowing you to eat less, but it can also prevent constipation and bloating which can hamper your chances for a flatter stomach. According to Dr. Lawrence J. Cheskin, a gastroenterologist of John Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore, you need to aim for 22-25 grams of fiber a day. You can get these from fruits, veggies and whole grains.

Detox Drinks

Juicing are an excellent way to stay fit, lean and healthy today. It is becoming a popular health practice which is proven to trim the stomach, and it is also an efficient way to detox. This is like hitting two birds with one stone because by getting rid of antioxidants you are more able to burn fats more effectively.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning is also a simple, yet effective, way for a flatter stomach. This alkalizes your body to help you burn fat better. For efficient results, you can even drink alkalized water which are already being sold widely today.

Stop Smoking


A lot of smokers may scoff at this statement as they generally see this vice to keep them thin. However, there are studies to prove otherwise, and that is thanks to the stress hormone cortisol.

Smoking puts us more at risk of the formation of visceral fat. These are the kind of fats that attach to our vital organs found inside our abdomen. Aside from creating aesthetic  concerns by giving you that unattractive bulge, this type of fat can also be very dangerous to your health. The presence of nicotine in your circulation will only make it harder for you to burn these fats up. So if you want reduce that belly, stop lighting up another stick.

Low Caloric Foods


Less calories also means less fat. Overall this means less belly size because when you consume a low caloric diet, you consequently reduce your weight. But it doesn’t mean that you have to slave away counting calories every single meal. You can still enjoy your food even with some restrictions. Boiled foods are far more better than those that are sweet, high fat and fried if you want to effectively cut back on your calories and belly fat.

Green Tea

This health drink may not zap the fats right off your stomach in one drink, but it can help you get there safe and sure when coupled with diet and exercise. There are multiple studies which showed that an antioxidant in green tea called EGCG can help boost your metabolism to get rid of the abdominal fats.

As much as this drink is good for you health, it doesn’t mean that you can chug liters in a day. It is best to drink no more than 5 cups every day to avoid caffeine-related side effects.

No More Soda


You can also bust that belly when you stop your soda habit. Aside from being unhealthy, it can also contribute to a ballooning belly size. Studies show that those who drank soda almost tripled their belly fat for over nine years. Soda contains empty calories which can contribute to the excess weight you put on which your body will have a hard time burning. Sodas also contain high fructose which can also make you obese, and it is also unfortunate that the fat buildup will focus on your midsection.

Bust that Stress


Did you know that even slender women who have high levels of cortisol due to stress can still get a belly bulge? This was proven by a study conducted at Yale University. It showed that women who are greatly exposed to life stressors are more able to accumulate abdominal fat. So try to manage your stress better, and do it the healthy way, to effectively get rid of that belly fat.

Choose Your Exercise Routine

A way to effectively flatten your belly is to do the right exercise. We may dedicate ourselves to doing a hundred crunches every day, but this won’t be that much of a help if you don’t do it right. You see, crunches only strengthen the muscle which lie behind the stomach fat, so you have to get rid of these fats first to achieve a flatter abdomen. A good way to reduce overall body fat is to perform cardio exercise. Pairing this with crunches will help you achieve the trimmed and toned physique you desire.

Eat Fats

Most of our diet are already laden with fats, which is why it is both good and sinful. If you want to flatten your belly, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up on fats. You just have to choose the right one. You must go for oils and foods that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) to stimulate the production of fat-fighting hormones in your body.

These kind of fats will lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL), these actions help control blood insulin levels. If this happens you are also able to control your appetite, as well as fat formation.



Another way for you to bust that belly fat while improving your health at the same time is to go for supplements. There are a lot of these brands available today which contains different active ingredients, or “superfoods” as they are also referred to. From the likes of green coffee, African mango, and to newer types of tropical weight loss superstars like Garcinia Cambogia. These fat-busting supplements are now hogging the spotlight because they are formulated to be safe and effective as well. However, you must also be wise in spotting the fakes because the market is also littered with it. Overall, supplements are also a good addition to your fat-trimming arsenal.

I hope that you had a lot to learn from these tips. They have been tried and proven to bust the fats safely even without surgery. Don’t expect a change overnight because real results will always take time, with some showing it faster than others.


Fortunately there are several measures that can be done to correct this problem. Some try out pills, stretching exercises, certain lengthening devices, and even penis surgery. But many are inclined towards convenience, which is why male enhancement supplements have become widely popular.

Let’s look into the the business and promise of these products, and see why it remained to be huge in the market. But before all that, it is important that we also take up on these important facts. We will also look into some of the male enhancement supplements in the market today and how they fare.

Sexual Dysfunction in Men

WebMD defines sexual dysfunction as a problem that occurs during the any phase during the sexual response cycle. This prevents the person, or the couple, to experience satisfaction from the sexual activity. It can be due to stress, an illness, medications and/or emotional problems.

It is even estimated that one in ten males have problems related to having sex. Erectile dysfunction is actually more common that most people realize. Not only is it a problem for older males, but it also affects even those who are still in their twenties.

According to Dr. John Tomlinson of the Sexual Advice Association, there are 7-8% of those within the 20-40 year old age group who are affected by erectile dysfunction, and 11% from the 40-50 age group who have this problem. The numbers are considerably much larger for those over 60 as it affects 40% and more than half for those who are aged over 70.

Physiology of the Male Reproductive System


  • Penis

This is the part that is mainly used for sexual intercourse. It is composed of three parts which is the root, the shaft and the glans.

  • Scrotum

The scrotum is the pouch of skin that hangs behind the penis. It is lined with nerves and blood vessels, and it also contains the testicles. It also controls the temperature of the testes, making it conducive for the sperm to thrive in.

  • Testicles

These are oval-shaped organs that are encapsulated by the scrotum, and it is responsible for the production of testosterone and sperm.

  • Epidedymis

This part acts as sperm storage. But also one of the major function of the epididymis is to help bring the sperm to maturity.

  • Vas Deferens

This brings that sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicles.

  • Urethra

For the males, the urethra has an added function. Aside from being the passageway to expel urine, this also helps in ejaculating semen during orgasm. The flow of urine in an erect penis is blocked in the urethra, which is why semen is the only fluid ejaculated during orgasm.

  • Seminal Vesicles

These sac-like structures produce a fluid that gives the sperm the energy to move. The fluid from the seminal vesicles actually makes up most of the volume of a man’s ejaculate.

  • Prostate Gland

The prostate gland actually controls two primary functions. It assists in controlling urination and it also plays a significant role in sexual activity. In its sexual function, it is responsible for producing a whitish glandular secretion that is then directed into the urethra during ejaculation. This fluid is important for sperm motility.

  • Bulbourethral Glands

Also referred to as the Cowper’s glands, and these are pea-sized structures that are found at the sides of the urethra just below the prostate gland. The duct of each duct is about an inch long and it opens to the penile part of the urethra. Its function is to produce pre-ejaculate the viscous secretion produced during sexual arousal. It also lubricates the urethra and neutralize any residual activity making it easier for sperm to pass. With age, the size of the bulbourethral glands diminish.

What Happens in an Erection

The process of having an erection actually starts in the brain. This is caused by physical and/or mental stimuli that signals the brain to send chemical messages to the nerves that line the penis. It tells the penile blood vessels to relax so to allow blood flow to go through freely to the structure. Once the blood runs through the penis, high pressure traps it in causing the structure to expand and maintain an erection.

An erection subsides when the flow of blood to the penis is stopped and the channels to which it is released opens. This causes the penis to become soft.

How Does an Ejaculation Occur?

An ejaculation is controlled by the central nervous system, and it occurs when a man reaches a certain level of excitement that is also combined with a certain degree of friction. This brings certain impulses that is sent through the spinal cord and to the brain. The brain then sends signals to the spinal cord, then to the genital area causing the pelvic muscles to contract.

This sets a series of reaction where the sperm is transported from the testes squeezing it through the prostate towards the base of the penis. Simultaneously the seminal vesicles also release secretions at the back of the urethra. When this happens ejaculation is most certain to happen. The muscles at the base of the penis contracts forcing the semen through the urethra and out of the penis.

Causes of Sexual Dysfunction


It is a widely known fact that man’s sexual function gradually falls with age. This is because his testosterone level falls, making it harder for a man to get aroused. It also follows that getting an erection and an orgasm can be quite challenging as well. Age also causes semen volume and sperm quality to be low. All these changes usher in sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence.

Getting aroused is a collective action of the hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Aside from the physical aspect, emotional and mental health can also cause or even worsen erectile dysfunction.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction:

  • Obesity
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Low Testosterone
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcoholism
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Surgeries or injuries that affect the spinal cord or the pelvic area
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Medicinal Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Diuretics (drugs that induce the production and release of urine)
  • Antihypertensives (drugs that control blood pressure)
  • Fibrates (medicines used to lower cholesterol)
  • Antidepressants (medicines used to treat depression)
  • Antipsychotics (medicines used to treat mental conditions such as schizophrenia)
  • H2-antagonists (drugs that are used to treat stomach ulcers)
  • Antihistamines (medicationst that are used to treat allergies)
  • Corticosteroids (medications that contain steroids)
  • Cytotoxics (medications that are used in chemotherapy)
  • Anti-androgens (medications that suppress male sex hormones)

Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Poor Communication
  • Relationship Problems

Medical Remedies

There is a roster of medications that are available today to treat erectile dysfunction. This includes the following:

Sildenafil (Viagra)

Taldanafil (Cialis)

Verdenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)

These medications basically work the same way by enhancing the effects of nitric oxide, which is a chemical produced by the body to relax the muscles in the penis. It increases blood flow allowing you to get an erection as a response to a sexual stimuli.

What these medications vary on are the dosage and length of the effects. Their side effects also vary, and this is something that should be strongly considered.

Penis pumps are also a rather interesting invention to stimulate erection because it is a tube that is placed over your penis and then a pump is used to suck air out of the tube. This creates a vacuum that will cause the blood to rush to the penis. Then once an erection is achieved, a tension ring is placed at the base of the penis to hold the blood in and keep it firm. The vacuum device is removed and you can have an erection can last long but it can risk bruising the penis during the process.

Psychological counseling can also help especially if the cause of erectile dysfunction stemmed from stress, anxiety, or deperession.

If you want to go with surgery, you can either go for penile implants or blood vessel surgery. The first involves the surgical placement of two devices at the sides of the penis. These implants is made of semi-rigid or inflatable rods that allow you to control when and for how long you can keep an erection. There is no need to worry about the rods because they may help keep the penis firm but they are bendable.

Blood vessel surgery is appropriate for cases where leaks or obstruction in the blood vessels cause erectile dysfunction. Surgery is the right course of action to properly fix the problem. But you really have to weigh the pros and cons. But ultimately this should only be considered when you have exhausted all other options.

Herbal Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Herbal remedies or supplements for erectile dysfunction is also another approach to handling the problem. Some men go for it because of it being an all-natural solution to the problem also suggesting that it will be much safer. Interestingly enough natural supplements does provide a handful of herbal remedies, but despite being a natural alternative they should still be used with caution.

Some men also choose to use alternative treatments along with traditional methods, however before anything else it is still of primary importance to always consult your doctor first.

Common herbal ingredients for erectile dysfunction:

You can read more about herbal supplements that can help relieve erectile dysfunction here.